Being Enthusiastic in Public


Public Speaking

I love speaking to groups, and now that I’m not in a teaching position anymore, my only outlets for performance are the happy occasions when I am invited to be a guest lecturer, or even a keynote speaker.

I have had the good fortune to speak about my work at a wide range of organizations for libraries, education, and education technology.  You can read what some people think of my work, and working with me, here.

I’ve blogged many of the talks (keynotes and otherwise) I’ve given in the last couple of years, you can read them if you like.


I have helped develop and facilitate digital practice mapping and ethnography workshops in the US , in Canada, in Ireland, and in the UK.

I can work with you and your organization to deliver workshops on digital practice, learning spaces and practices, and ethnographic techniques for assessment and insight.


I plan and conduct qualitative research to help inform the work you need to do in libraries and education.  I work internationally, conducting ethnographic work to inform library policy, and contextual inquiry projects to inform the building of library and education technology systems.  My specialty is anthropologically informed qualitative research that can lead to insights about what is happening, what people’s motivations are for what they do, and how those insights can help inform your organizations plans and policies.  Projects can be short- or long-term:  some can be conducted over the course of weeks, and others over the course of a year.

Contact me

If you are interested in bringing me in for research projects, workshops or speaking engagements, do please contact me, via, or on Twitter @DonnaLanclos.

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